I adore this song. Today I am thinking of my sweet friends the Nelson's who have sold everything they have, gave to the poor, left EVERYTHING they know and their beautiful "American Dream Life" and moved with their 3 year old daughter to China. I think most of us would say "Oh I could do that, if I felt called...but over seas missions is not my calling." I think I would be considered guilty of this too. I'm not throwing any stones ha-ha. When I truly think about the sacrifices they made and that missions is NOT just for "the called" but for ALL Christians in some way shape or form I can't help but be inspired by them. Not everyone can serve overseas but everyone can make a sandwich and take it downtown and spend some time with a homeless person who may need a meal. What are you doing with that extra bedroom in your house? There are MANY children who need a bed....even if its only for a few months. We all have something to offer this world for God's kingdom remember that we are all called to be his "hands and feet."
The Nelson's missionary heart started by them reading the book Radical by David Platt. I and a few of my friends were all reading it at the same time - including the Nelson's. This book is what inspired Brett and I to pursue foster care and this book is what also moved the Nelson's to literally sell everything and go and follow God. If you have not read this book, please check it out. It's truly is one of the most inspiring books I've ever gotten my hands on. It challenges us to stop living the "American Dream Christianity" and pursue God's dreams for his kingdom and our lives. It's not always easy, its not always pretty, its not always safe but its always worth it. Any sacrifices for his kingdom is ALWAYS worth the risks involved. I pray today that God will move in this generation, that people will step up and start to realize that we are not only called to sit at church on Sunday mornings but that we are called to move and be moved by God.
Thank you Lord for your precious children the Nelson's and for all who have given up everything and went and followed you. Thank you for those who are spreading the Word to the ends of the earth and thank you for those who gave not just their things but also their lives for your Glory.