Monday, January 24, 2011

Haiti in 9 days, Doctors Appt in 3 days and some Foster news....Life is good!

Haiti...I'm coming for you! ;)  I can't wait to get down there.  Its been MONTHS in the planning and here it is only a little over a week away.  I know God will use us in some way down there but truly I hope that he uses this time to break me for HIS kingdom and HIS glory.  Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we get ready to go and of course on Feb. 2nd when we leave.

I talked to my doctor's nurse today.  She's such a sweet heart.  She got Brett and I in to talk to the doctor about our next step on Thursday at 12:30.  YAY.  I'm so glad I get to go there before we leave for Haiti...thats one less thing for my mind to be while I'm there.  Brett and I both talked it over and of course I've talked to a few friends who have been in my shoes - and I think we all have come to agreement that doing IVF is the best way to move forward.  Mainly because it truly will reduce our chances of multiplies.  When you are using high power fertility drugs (like I will have to start next) there is no way to control how many eggs will grow and therefore you up your chances of getting pregnant with not just twins but high order multiples.  This is NOT something we want to deal with.  Ideally ONE baby is best for our family ha-ha.  Its very important we only have one baby not just for my sanity but because we TRULY desire to be foster parents SOON.  If we have twins (or more) that will have to push our fostering back at least a year and thats really not something I want to even think about.  My heart is ready NOW for those children who need us.

Speaking of fostering.....I go Wednesday to the doctor to get my physical.  Can't wait ha-ha.   I'm not worried I know everything will be just fine.  Just something I have to do.  Our next home study isn't until the end of February so we have A LOT to get done this month.  After I get home from Haiti..its ON!  =)

Be blessed...

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